vendredi 9 juillet 2021

Cooking and baking day.

 Hello Friends,

Today, was a busy day! As our son is coming from Dubai within a few days, I have been cooking and baking.

Baking cookies, oat meal cookies and peanut butter cookies.

As my son’s wife is veggie, I baked some tuna, cheese and olive loaves. I will serve it with tomato and cream sauce.

I forgot to take a picture before freezing!

It’s easy to make and good to eat with a salad.

300 grams canned tuna.

100gr self rising flower

10cl milk

10cl olive oil

100gr olives


100gr emmenthal grated

To the flour add eggs, milk and olive oil

Then add drained tuna and grated cheese.

Bake 40 mn gaz 6 or 210C electric oven.

Serve hot or cold!

In order to install the air conditioning, we had to remove this beautiful hydrangeas and re plant it some where else, but I was really scared it was going to die…. But, with all the rain we had

It is still alive !

Wishing you a very good weekend!

3 commentaires:

  1. It's wonderful to be able to prepare food for visitors, especially family one hasn't seen in a long time. Your tuna and olive rolls sound delicious! Bon weekend à toi!

  2. How wonderful to have a visit from your son and his wife. A cause for much preparation.

  3. Have a nice days with your son and his wife!


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