vendredi 16 juillet 2021

Disney park Paris.


Hello Friends,

My son and his wife have arrived in Paris last night and are spending some time in Disney park Paris.

We used to go there a lot when they were little and we also used to spend Christmas Day there.

Back to childhood! Far from a very serious and stressful work!

Happy to see them tomorrow after one year!

See you soon! 

7 commentaires:

  1. You must be very excited! Enjoy visiting with your son and his wife.

  2. How happy you must be to be able to hug your son and his lovely wife after the long separation.

  3. It's fun to be a kid again!
    Happy homecoming with your son and daughter in law.

  4. Fun times for them and fun memories for you!

  5. I love all the family reunions I am seeing after the year that was 2020. Glad you are spending lovely time with family.

  6. How beautiful Disney is there! I think France must be a truly enchanted place. Your photographs are fantastic. You really have a gift.

  7. Lovely Disney and what a great time for them! And for you too!
    Have a great time now and take care...


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