samedi 24 juillet 2021

Country, forêt, log cabin and day in Rouen.


Yesterday, we went to the log cabin and it was very hot outside 40 C. We had a barbecue together, had a look at the garden but the deer have eaten the strawberries.

This morning I was very sad when I had to say good bye to my son and his wife.

The house is again very empty, so my husband and I  decided to go out to Rouen and look at the last sales.

We had lunch outside on a terrace. A « croque monsieur » chips and salad. Then we had an ice cream yogourt and melon.

I took some photos of the town. The cathedral, the big clock street  ( la rue du gros horloge »

And the courthouse.
We had a message and they said they arrived at the airport and now in the plane they will arrive around 20 tonight.
The week has been very rich and  they are going to work tomorrow morning!

3 commentaires:

  1. I'm glad you had that time with your son. Both the cabin and the cathedral are pretty but in such different ways!

  2. Beautiful buildings!! It's nice to distract oneself by getting out and seeing interesting things. I;m sure you'll miss your son and his wife a lot bit hopefully it won't be such a long time until you can see them again.

  3. Sounds like you have had some lovely days! Beautiful pictures too...
    Love from Titti


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