mardi 13 juillet 2021

This and that…

 Today, I went early shopping, because tomorrow is July 14th.

Tomorrow morning will be the military parade in Paris.

Tonight and tomorrow night there will be fire works in the big towns. 

I went shopping for a barbecue and an apricot Charlotte.

Everybody this morning was talking about the bad weather, but everybody is doing barbecue in his garage or under any shelter!

The pictures are bits and pieces I found and painted white.

The skittles are vintage , the blue tit and mushrooms are felted wool I made.

Now I am going to prepare dishes for tomorrow and for Saturday my son’s arrival.

Have a nice week end.

4 commentaires:

  1. I love all of your pretty little things. Especially the felted bird! Enjoy your celebration!

  2. I did a little Google searching to see about 14 July in France. While we commonly refer to it as Bastille Day, it is your national day much like our 4th of July. We cook BBQ and special picnic food that day too.
    Have a fun celebration!

  3. The felted bird is so pretty. Enjoy your apricot tart and barbecue. Enjoy le quatorze juillet!

  4. Have a wonderful celebration tomorrow.


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