mardi 27 juillet 2021

What to do with old maps? And souvenirs from Japan.

 Hello Friends,

Some years ago we bought this paper binder ( don’n know if it is the right word?) it was a cheap, plain one and I did’nt know what to do with it to match with the room decoration, in the study.
I had old maps of France I wanted to re use somewhere…
I painted the paper binder in white and then did a collage with the maps.
I must change the places of the drawers because as you can see Corsica is above Brittany… it’s  in total disorder!
I also changed the drawer handles.
Now it is a part of the decoration and I the old maps have a second use! When dry, I put some white acrylic paint on a cloth and did a sort of patina on top of it.
Hope you enjoy your day.

I have posted these souvenirs from Japan on my other blog and I thought it might interest you.
There are souvenirs from our trip to Japan, Kyoto and Nara.

3 commentaires:

  1. What a great idea! I love maps and wouldn't have thought of that. Now to see where I could do something similar.

  2. you are so wise to use old maps and paper binder as beautifully dear Catherine :)

    i enjoyed learning how you did it.
    lovely video .
    blessings to you and loved ones!

  3. What a great use for old maps on your file cabinet - that's what it's called in English. I have a lot of old sea charts from boating that I would like to use in some way. You've given me an idea!


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