lundi 16 septembre 2024

A big boy!

Maxime with his best nursery friend.
Hello Friends!
Last week while doing my grocery shopping at our new Lidl I found this new deshydrator.
I had one in the past and I love to déshydrate oranges for a Victorian Christmas decoration. I am not preparing Xmas yet, but I have time to do the oranges now, as it takes a long time to dry properly.
Yesterday, the weather was beautiful to work in the garden, not too hot and sunny, so we worked a lot outside
Trimming and nourishing the plants. We did a good job!
Today, we feel a little tired and sore, but happy to have been able to do the job!
I had a lot of rhubarb left in the garden, but it went to the compost as it is not good to eat rhubarb in September .
I got apples from my apple tree and flowers to dry and work with from the garden.
I ended the day crocheting 🧶 a Fall blanket for Bandit!

Our daughter and husband are in Norway and now hiking on Lofoten island after hiking round Bergen during two weeks.
Our son is in London and Paris for his work during the week.
Maxime is busy doing scooter!🛴 
In July he was scared of everything, going to the sea, the swimming pool…but suddenly is riding his scooter! And don’t wear diapers anymore, he is now a big 2 and a half big boy!
Hope you’ll enjoy your week!


vendredi 13 septembre 2024

Vintage photos.

Hello friends !

From our brocante visits, I found these vintage photos for my crafts. Using photocopies of them for the children ´s room.

I will have to prepare Maxime’s bedroom for Xmas 
Sew some new curtains and buy new furniture, do some decoration so it will keep me busy!
We decided to go back for a stay in the Netherlands in October, it’s only 4 hours drive from home.

Yesterday, it was supposed to be a dry sunny day, but we had hail and thunder so I couldn’t clean my windows.
It will be today , it is cold and sunny for the moment so I think I’ll be able to clean them.
Tomorrow we decided to work in the garden.
I must go and do my treadmill exercises !
Good weekend and see you next week!

jeudi 12 septembre 2024

New holiday finds!

Hello friends!

First of all, Bandit is very happy to be home again!before we left I saw on a decoration shop’s Facebook in the place we were going to stay, these mushrooms for my Fall mantel decoration. Here they are!

We went to some brocantes and there is another find, doll coffee set dating back to the 40’s.
I love the coffee pot s shape and the pattern.


When we went to the wind mill, I got some pancakes flour and plain one too. I am going to make scones today, but before I have to do some exerces and a walk and then clean the downstairs windows!
See you later, have a good day!

mercredi 11 septembre 2024

Back home!

We are back, but going back next month for the brocante.

Last night we stopped in the north of France for the night before going home.

(Special for Linda ! Starbucks stop again on our way)

As we go through Belgium we bought some chocolate pumpkins 🎃!

And some spéculoos on our way.
I will have to get Bandit from the kennel and we will wait for our new trip in October!

Walking continues!

Hello friends!

Yesterday, we walked again and had lunch in the restaurant on the beach a very pleasant place!

It is so nice to walk there

Walking and cycling path along the shore
My favourite dish! Cheese 🧀 kroketje, with salad and fries.

 And appeltaart SO good!

lundi 9 septembre 2024

The Sluice, l’Ecluse

Everyday we walk about 7 kms, it’s not much but for me quite a lot. We like to walk by the canal and look at the birds, ducks, geese and storks.

It is a very quiet place and we cross many cyclists on our way.

This is where we go shopping and where we have our favourite restaurant 
The Barsa a very good place!

 This is our hotel with a New England decoration, many New England

I love this little house, very cute!

dimanche 8 septembre 2024

A windy day and windmills.

Evening walk and drink 🥤 

Today, the temperature is back to normal after a very hot and stormy night. We had our breakfast with local cheese and ham, apple juice, coffee ( very good coffee) bred with homemade rhubarb jam and scrambled eggs 🥚 
I did not have lunch it was enough for the day. We will have supper at the hotel.
Then we went in a brocante I saw on our local tv. It is a nice place with lots of antiques and vintage stuff.

I bought the doll coffee set at the back on the right. It dates back around 1940. I have already two from my mother. I also found some vintage photos.

Lovely vintage windmill
Some porcelain 

Big chandeliers 
This is the kind of pram I was taken in photo in the 50’s
I was in the same pram.

I love windmills!

This one is a very old one in wood. 
That’s all for today!
We will have a short rest, before a walk by the sea and supper at the hotel tonight .

A big boy!

Maxime with his best nursery friend. Hello Friends! Last week while doing my grocery shopping at our new Lidl I found this new deshydrator. ...