dimanche 1 septembre 2024

Starting to go out again and a nice outing

Hello Friends!
After not being well at all for some days I could go out today with my husband and we decided to go to one of my favourite decoration shop and then we decided to go to the “Champs de Bataille” castle. We walked quietly in the alley of the garden and visited the new English and Indian garden. Here are some pictures and videos of our afternoon.
Tomorrow I must prepare our travel to the Netherlands đŸ‡łđŸ‡± 
And keep fit until then.

This is the new garden with the Indian pavilion 

It was very hot again today and the shade was welcomed
So were the fountains

We had a nice interesting day. As the castle is close to our home we are visiting it every different season.
See you soon.

6 commentaires:

  1. What a beautiful place, with interesting gardens.

  2. I'm so glad you were feeling well enough to go on this outing. It looks like a beautiful place!
    Now you have your Netherlands trip to look forward to.

  3. Hello Catherine, what a great trip you had! I enjoyed looking at the pictures and videos.
    Enjoy yourself in the Netherlands. I am looking forward to the reports and pictures, I hope you will be able to write about the trip. I wish you good health and a good rest. Hugs.

  4. Hej Catherine, prachtige plek. Fijn dat je weer zin had in een uitstapje. Hopelijk ben je weer helemaal hersteld voor je reis naar Nederland. Veel plezier!

  5. Lovely place to visit. It's good to know you're feeling well and looking forward to your holiday.

  6. What a nice outing you had at the gardens. Everything looks so green and groomed. And I love the waterfalls. They are always so soothing and peaceful. Taking a trip to the Netherlands, how exciting! I enjoyed the short videos. : )



Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....