dimanche 22 septembre 2024

Heritage day.

Chateau du Champ de Bataille.

Today, is heritage day in France and we decided to visit the near by castle pieces we can’t usually visit, Cybele ‘s cave and the Indian garden ( we could not visit the entire private pavillon)
This cave is built with lava stones 

The gardens are beautiful and quite big and such a nice place to visit. It is the only day in the year you can visit it . So glad we did!


6 commentaires:

  1. That's quite a lavish and beautiful place to visit. I'm glad you got to go there. Thanks for the photos.

  2. Imagine living in such an unusual, and huge, home!

  3. You have such amazing places that you visit. The buildings and gardens are wonderful .

  4. A very lovely place to visit. Your little videos are brilliant!

  5. It is very nice, I would have loved to visit there.

  6. What an amazing place to visit. Is it a private residence the rest of the year?


DIY placemats and table scape.

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