mercredi 18 septembre 2024

Preparing to make jam.

Yesterday, I finished my dry oranges 🍊 some to hang on the Christmas tree and bits and pieces for a Pot pourri.
Let me show you my vintage angels plates 

Today I am preparing my jam copper pot as I am going to make jam for our grandsons.

Last evening , the sun came through the windows before dark. I was crocheting when I saw the light on my new mushrooms!🍄 
This afternoon I have to plant my bulbs and will order some new ones from The Netherlands.

 The sun is here for two more days and rain during the weekend, so better hurry in the garden!đŸȘŽ 

7 commentaires:

  1. Hope you get the garden taken care of in time!
    Love the mushrooms and the plates! And the jam will be tasty, I'm sure!

  2. I like the plates and the light on your mushrooms. The weater is better here after having so much rain. There is flood on the rivers.
    It is good that you are preparing for Christmas. This season is my favourite period of the year.
    Have a good work in your garden but look after yourself. Hugs.

  3. Your plates are so pretty. I love the copper jam pot, such a great shape for making jam. What kinds will you make? I purchased bulbs yesterday and will keep them cool for a few more weeks before planting them. Have a wonderful day!

  4. I just realized that I didn't order my bulbs this year. I'd better get that done.

  5. Very pretty vintage plates.
    I also made jam today. Mine was strawberry.

  6. I love your vintage plates!
    The lighting on the mushrooms looks so pretty.
    Maxime will love the jam!


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....