lundi 16 septembre 2024

A big boy!

Maxime with his best nursery friend.
Hello Friends!
Last week while doing my grocery shopping at our new Lidl I found this new deshydrator.
I had one in the past and I love to déshydrate oranges for a Victorian Christmas decoration. I am not preparing Xmas yet, but I have time to do the oranges now, as it takes a long time to dry properly.
Yesterday, the weather was beautiful to work in the garden, not too hot and sunny, so we worked a lot outside
Trimming and nourishing the plants. We did a good job!
Today, we feel a little tired and sore, but happy to have been able to do the job!
I had a lot of rhubarb left in the garden, but it went to the compost as it is not good to eat rhubarb in September .
I got apples from my apple tree and flowers to dry and work with from the garden.
I ended the day crocheting 🧶 a Fall blanket for Bandit!

Our daughter and husband are in Norway and now hiking on Lofoten island after hiking round Bergen during two weeks.
Our son is in London and Paris for his work during the week.
Maxime is busy doing scooter!🛴 
In July he was scared of everything, going to the sea, the swimming pool…but suddenly is riding his scooter! And don’t wear diapers anymore, he is now a big 2 and a half big boy!
Hope you’ll enjoy your week!


4 commentaires:

  1. Oh Maxime! He's getting so big!
    Sounds like everyone in the family is doing well.
    I would like a dehydrator, it's on my wish list.

  2. Lovely glass pumpkin!
    Maxime is making big strides to being a big boy. So good to know he has gotten over his fear of things. He does so well on his scooter.

  3. It's fun to see Maxime scootin' along.

  4. Maxime looks like he's having a wonderful time scooting around with his friend. Your dehydrated oranges look great.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....