vendredi 15 décembre 2023

The shop is closed!

(Source :ZZZOe)
 This early morning, I went to close the shop I had for three weeks. I have sold 72 items and I have left the items I did not sell for charity associations.

The house is decluttered of 72 things and more!

It’s quite a job to empty all cabinets and decide what was to sell and it was hard work to carry. But I am glad I get some money and met some new people.

Tomorrow we are going to a charity association to give some books we don’t have anymore the use and we will finish our Xmas shopping 🛍️ 

Maxime wishes you a Merry Xmas from his nursery school!

( Maxime’s little brother’s name to come will be William !)

5 commentaires:

  1. Congratulations on selling 72 items, Catherine. Decluttering the house makes one feel lighter, I think. Maxime is adorable in his little red outfit.

  2. Your shop was a success! Money and decluttering, both winners.
    Hi, Maxime. Merry Christmas to you.

  3. Good for you! You cleaned out, blessed some people and made a little money. All good things!
    Merry Christmas cute little Maxime!
    William is a nice name too.

  4. Thank you for the well wishes sent by Maxime. I'm sure his Christmas will be nice too. I wish him a merry Christmas!

  5. Maxime is absolutely beaming! A beautiful child...
    Congratulations on the 72 items!!


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