mercredi 27 décembre 2023

A good coffee and a pistachio biscuit.

It’s a quite afternoon! I am starting to feel better today and I am glad 😀 !

I am doing some craft again and that’s a good sign 😆 

I did a little pause to drink a coffee from my husband’s new coffee maker. He received it from my daughter for Xmas and I am eating a pistachio biscuit we received for Xmas from our daughter. Italian coffee with Italian biscuits! So good. At the same time I am watching Barnaby on TV.

This is a quiet day and I am enjoying it after health problems !

Hope you enjoy your day?


4 commentaires:

  1. Thank God you are better and your strength is slowly coming back. :) I'm so happy for it. Good coffee, delicious biscuits and a quiet afternoon. Everything went well for you today .
    I am well. I also have a quiet afternoon after doing some shopping after our lunch.Hugs!

  2. So glad you are feeling better and can enjoy your treats.


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