mercredi 6 décembre 2023

Xmas Spirit.

Last year I had white amaryllis, but this time it is red( should have been white and pink…)

This morning I continue to sort out all the decoration pieces I have in order to sell and clear the house!
Two chandeliers with tassels I have painted long ago.
It must be hanged  to see it well.

I did not decorate my tree yet, but as it is a real one I lower the temperature and spray it with water and i can smell the forest 😆 
These are some decorations I started to install 

 Today, we are having a sunny and cold weather but a nice winter day!

This afternoon I have some cooking and baking to do . This morning I prepared the items I am going to bring to my shop tomorrow morning as I have sold again yesterday! We will see tonight!

6 commentaires:

  1. i can feel the Christmas spirit in your house now.

    anyway, i followed your blog. i'm your follower number #40. Hope you can follow back, too. Thank you.


  2. Our tree (a real one) is still sitting outside in a bucket of water. We will put it up in a week or so. I baked shortbread yesterday and hope to make something else today. If I visited your shop, I would purchase your chandelier. I love those crystal pieces.

  3. Today I sliced and baked the cranberry swirls I formed and froze yesterday. Then I prepared the dough and the filling for the apricot foldovers, which Tom and I will form and bake this afternoon.

  4. I like your tree! You'll have to show it again when it's decorated.
    Glad you keep selling!

  5. I like the smell of the trees. It belongs to Christmas atmosphere and the smell of sweets.
    I hope you will have time to have some rest, too. Have a nice day!


Our daily routine is back

 Hello friends! like this picture of grandpa and Maxime at the zoo.) Yesterday, we had Maxime on Skype. He was happy to see us and happy dad...