mardi 27 septembre 2022

Today’s plans

During our trip to the Netherlands we stayed in a hotel in the Waden sea and the view from the window on top of our bed was not a frame but the sea.
When I entered the room I was disappointed by the view and did not sea this window…

Nearby was a small sea museum with ships 🚢 models
They all were beautifully made.

Sea birds eggs

A wooden carved whale and her baby

 We enjoyed the visit.

Since I came home my blood pressure is heigh because I had salt during my holidays, so good Dutch cheese and local farm food! Even if we have walked 60 km.
So Mr L gave me another treatment and I have to  use this 20 mn each day of course no salt.
Next time we will rent flats and I will prepare my own cooking 😞.
Today it is raining ( all the week) typical Normand weather back! But all is green again!
I have done my exercises and now wait for the new internet box to come . I am listening to some violin and watch the rain falling next I will prepare today’s dinner 
And maybe make some bread.

What are you planning for today?

Instead of making bread, hedgehogs 🦔 squirrels 🐿 and snails 🐌 came into the house!
Some are doubled with chocolate paste for Mr L!

lundi 26 septembre 2022

Still life.

This past weekend was busy, on Saturday we went to change our internet provider and it was laborious ! Tings go so quickly nowadays… I decided not to give up and subscribe to some courses to stay «  Connected ! »  and update my knowledge !
Mr L we to take the dog for a walk in the forest behind our home and brought some mushrooms for my Fall decoration and I went to the garden to get my little apples between two showers.
I also went to get a new pumpkin for my mantel decoration, I like the velvet shades.

I found the brooch nice for Autumn . During my holidays I bought this oversized coat and this cotton dress for mid seasons. They are both very confortable 
I knitted a snood to go with it.

Yesterday I cooked and baked , a crumble and a « Carbonade Flamande » typical dish from the north, beef meat cooked in beer with mustard on gingerbread usually with french fries, but we have it with steamed potatoes.

I know the recipe, but I saw it in « my magazine « Esprit d’ici » and it gave the idea to cook one.
It cooks for three hours but it so good!
I hope you enjoy your week!

vendredi 23 septembre 2022

Autumn cooking 🥘

 (Source ZZzoe)
After a very long and too hot Summer, Autumn is welcomed !  🍂 we have now a cool weather and some rain. The sheep and horses have grass too eat and the plants rain to strengthen again.

Last night I used what I had in the fridge and baked a broccoli quiche. I had a ready made pastry and used 4 eggs, low fat cream and some feta I had in the fridge.
MR L eating sandwiches and salads in a rush every 
Day for lunch, as you can see there is a few left today!
The lawn is green again

The horses are sleeping and sheep are grazing quietly.

All Summer the sheep have been asking for food all days, nobody came and I am glad they now feel better.
 Autumn cooking 🍳 is starting ! 

Happy Autumn !

jeudi 22 septembre 2022

This and that

When we went to the Netherlands 🇳🇱 we visited for the second time Giethoorn and the museum which was very interesting. I did not it the photos on my blog yet.

We bought waffles made by these man and ladies in costumes, they were very thin and delicious 
This is a typical wedding costume and hat
This is the inside of an old house

I love the closed beds. When the doors are closed it looks like a wardrobe.the beds were in the unique room

The baby chair
This afternoon I received a parcel from my son it was a present but I did not know about it. 
This is a swatch from the Queen ´s Jubilee!
The Queen and a Corgi surrounded by 70 gold dots.
Her garments colour changes each day.
This was a nice surprise and made my day.

I finished my ironing, a big ironing after our holidays , I finished a book and knitted a snood.

samedi 17 septembre 2022

Fall mantel decoration .

Today I went to have a look at the washing machines to replace the one I had and got some wool to  knit 🧶 
Some bookstore read, four books.
I also found some autumn leaves 🍁 to end my decoration.

I like country decoration and got a new sheep 🐑 

The outside temperature is16 C and it’s nice to stay inside knitting or reading a good book 📚 !

A good day and a good race.

Maud took a selfie of herself because dad missed her arrival ! She ran  too fast !!! 😂 they missed each other! 21.1 kms in 2:02:17. Then we...