jeudi 8 septembre 2022

Museum of traditions in Warffum.

Tonight cheese Fondue! Melted cheese
This was where we slept in the box, in fact there is an hotel in a very old farm dating back to 1650
This is the inside the cows were on both sides

Here at the places of tables and benches there were cows about 60 in the stable. In the middle there was a place for cow manure.
I am always interested in the traditions of the country I visit. Now after the castels this is the life of ordinary people living in the province of  Groningen.
These are the closed beds they were in the same room as kitchen 

This is the indoor well

The kitchen cooker. They used pit to heat the house
This is a typical farm , the house in front and the cattle behind ( it is still the case nowadays) huge stables mainly covered with thatch.

Some house had well and others pomp.

The school board

 School classroom. 

After a night with mosquitoes ( because of the water ) and suffocating heat due to a thunderstorm 
We arrived to Sneek!

This the flag from Friesland on the right
Our hotel on the left 
There were very small houses with low cielings   And small windows.

My daughter and husband  were in Amsterdam and now in Gand in Belgium!

4 commentaires:

  1. You are getting a lot of history and culture on this trip. I like that too.

  2. I love the history here! It's incredible to see those old buildings. I never heard of a well inside the house, but that's a great idea.

  3. I love seeing how people lived in times past. Such interesting architecture with the huge roofs. A well inside a house would be such a good idea!

  4. So interesting to see! I love this kind of history.


THE tree 🌳 !

Hello Friends ! We are having a beautiful day! And these are the trees I love ❤️ in our garden! Especially the weeping willow. This prunus u...