samedi 24 août 2024

Rain and fireworks 🎇

I didn’t bake this apricot pie but my husband brought it from the Patisserie.
Today, it is the village festival     during two days and there should be a fireworks at 11 tonight  behind our garden, but it has been raining a lot all day and it may be cancelled if it doesn’t stop. 

The field next to our garden have already been ploughed , a sign of coming Autumn.🍂 

 We went out this morning to the chemist to get some medicine. Last week the nurse came to do me a blood test and the results are not good. I don’t want to cancel our holidays and will make other explorations when we will be back. I am not doing much as I am not feeling well
We are just watching TV and I lit a scented candle to be cosy.
I hope to get better with the treatment and rest.

8 commentaires:

  1. The apricot pie looks delicious! I hope you feel better and have a great holiday Katherine. Your beautiful candles certainly created a very beautiful atmosphere! Have a beautiful Sunday!

  2. What a sweet treat your husband brought home. I am so sorry to read that you are not feeling well, Catherine. I hope you are able to travel to see your family. Lighting a candle is a good thing to do on a rainy day. Hugs,

  3. It's rainy here too in Seattle, but we have the promise of sunshine returning nesxt week.
    Take good care of yourself so you will feel well enough to travel.

  4. The apricot pie is pretty and I bet it tastes good too.
    I'm so sorry the blood work wasn't goo. Praying the treatment is helpful!

  5. I hope you'll be well enough to enjoy your holidays. When you come back more tests will be

  6. Oops. I didn't get to finish my comment. I meant to say that when you come back there will probably be more tests to find out why you are not feeling well. Take care.

  7. I hope you are feeling better since you wrote this. That pastry looks scrumptious, and the plate your served it on is so pretty. Your candles are very nice. I've always loved candles around the house. They make the home so cozy and welcoming. Take care.



Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....