lundi 1 janvier 2024

Baking and crafting.

Hello Friends,
We had a quiet evening and a busy morning at home.
Yesterday, for our supper I baked Yorkshire pudding to eat with some beef. It was nice to eat with the gravy.
This morning I received a picture from little Maxime
And I had a chat on Skype this afternoon.
It was a long time since I baked Yorkshire pudding 
And they did well in the oven!

Last week I made two scrapbooking with only three envelopes each. This makes a little folder with pockets  embellishments and tags.

It can make nice Birthday cards.

Well that’s all for today.

Happy New Year!

5 commentaires:

  1. Maxime is such a handsome little fellow, and growing up so quickly. Your Yorkshire puddings look wonderful - how delicious they must have been. Lovely craft idea. Happy New Year!

  2. I have never seen Yorkshire Puddings before! But have read about them hundreds of times. They look delicious. I guess that's where the saying comes from, "The proof of the pudding is in the eating," maybe? I love the envelope scrapbooking. The little mushroom tag hiding in there is super cute! All of it so creative.

  3. I'm not a paper crafter, but I do appreciate your creations.

  4. I used to make Yorkshire pudding often when the children lived at home. It was a big favourite. I like the paper craft. It turned out very well 💗

  5. Maxime is growing very fast.
    I'm glad you had a good New Year's Eve. Mine was good too. I read, watched TV.
    M. was at home, I didn't go anywhere either.
    Have a nice new year!


Our daily routine is back

 Hello friends! like this picture of grandpa and Maxime at the zoo.) Yesterday, we had Maxime on Skype. He was happy to see us and happy dad...