mardi 9 janvier 2024

Cold and snow has arrived !

Yesterday, they said on the radio that we will have snow… but sometimes nothing happens !

But early this morning there was a different light in our bedroom, I watched by the window and this time it was true! We have snow ( but not for Xmas)

I have an appointment this afternoon that I can cancel because I have a big slope to go down and one to go up through the forest and I don’t want to get stuck or slide on the ice. ( here when you have one or two centimetres of snow the country is paralysed ! I already heard that there was no school buses and problems with trains…

My husband is gone to work but has a big slope to go and I hope no lorry will be stuck and paralyse the traffic.

The sky is all grey and we say it is waiting for some other snow.

Better stay cosy inside!


9 commentaires:

  1. I had a 4 Wheel Drive when I was working. It was wonderful! I could safely drive on ice while others were pulled over the side of the road. I always made it to work.
    Now that we are retired, I don't need it.

  2. Ooh, you have more snow than we do here in the Netherlands. Just stay indoors, okay?

  3. It's snowing here too, coming down hard and supposed to continue through tomorrow. Glad I can stay home today!
    Hope your husbands drive goes well and you stay warm inside!

  4. Ooh, so pretty to see the snow. Traffic here is paralyzed when snow comes, too. Maybe we will have some on Thursday or Friday. I'm hopeful. My husband has a 4-wheel drive vehicle, so we can get around if we need to. Stay cozy!

  5. Yesterday it snowed all day then overnight we had heavy rain which washed it all away. Today we have high winds. Very wintery weather.
    Keep safe and warm.

  6. Seattle is the same way about snow. It paralyzes the city. We have hills everywhere. We are expecting freezing temps and snow by the end of the week.

  7. It was snowing a little bit yesterday but the snow is over for now. It was -5C today. I like this weather in January. Last week it was + 10 -15C and it was too warm for me. Stay inside if it is slippery and very cold for you.

  8. Beautiful photos! We had snow, wind, and ice today. Winter has arrived here in Pennsylvania! Stay cozy.


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!