vendredi 8 avril 2022

Snow and miniature Anthurium terrarium

 Last Friday after a nice warm weather , this is what we discovered in the morning.

Last night we had a storm  called Diego and today very heavy rain!  ☔️ 
I had to go out and saw this miniature Anthurium last week end and made a gift to myself.
I love these small plants under a cloche.
Tonight I am waiting for Mr L with Japanese 🍱 food
On Friday evening i don’t cook, this is the beginning of the weekend!

3 commentaires:

  1. Lovely!! It's still snowing there?

  2. Oh no! Snow still? We had a 70 degree day yesterday but we are back to a chilly 50 today.
    I like your "no cooking weekends".

  3. Having a tradition of ordering in on Fridays is a great idea. I hope you enjoyed the Japanese food.


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