mardi 26 avril 2022

Apple trees blossom

 Hello Friends 

My visit to the hospital began at half past eight and ended at one o’clock! I had many different exams and I came back with a headache. I will have laser in June and  Head MRI.
But we still have beautiful weather and it’s nice to have barbecues in the garden. The sparrows are nesting ( we have four nests above our window shutters and many excitement around our house!
I find the apple trees flowers so nice and

In Normandy we used to have many apple trees to make cider and Calvados ( strong alcohol) in the past we used to drink a small glass of Calvados  in the middle of  meals which They called «  le trou Normand » it was facilitating the digestion and you could eat more afterwards. It was in between two dishes.

5 commentaires:

  1. Your apple blossoms are beautiful. Ours are just beginning, too. A long day at the hospital can be very tiring. Hope you are relaxing now.

  2. I hope all of your tests will bring needed answers.
    Apple blossoms are so beautiful.

  3. Lovely blossoms, I always look forward to the first openings.

  4. Apple blossoms are so pretty. They are our state flower.
    I never heard of Calvados before.


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!