dimanche 24 avril 2022

New garden center and our garden.

There is a huge garden center called « Desjardins » which has just opened close to our home and we visited it this afternoon.
Here are part of what we saw .
I bought the cactus with red flowers and a jasmine, I love it’s perfume during the summer evenings!

Hello friends,
Yesterday afternoon was spent at Rouen hospital ophthalmic urgences! One more after Dubai urgences.
The eye I had a cataract surgery 4 years ago was totally blurr
The cataract is starting again , so I have an appointment for further exams on Tuesday, I will take a taxi early morning.

But we decided to go back to the Netherlands soon
It is already booked!
I am so happy to go back in a beautiful country with very friendly people! During covid we missed them very much!
Here is our hotel were we usually go.

Here are some of my plantations 

The  wisteria is starting to bloom
The little tulips from the Netherlands . I will order more next Fall
I counted 50 flowers on my strawberries !
Rain drops on my Peonies
Some other tulips
This bush was planted by my father

The flowers from the bush

A lovely week to everyone !

3 commentaires:

  1. When we lived in Brittany we went to Desjardins, very impressive!

  2. Your garden is so very beautiful! I love that you still have a plant from your Father.
    My ancestors came from the Netherlands. Some day I would love to visit there.

  3. What a beautiful garden store! I hope your eye appointment goes well. Happy new week to you!


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