mercredi 30 novembre 2022

Baking morning

Today, they tried to install the optic fibre for the third time… unsuccessfully ! They must come back with a scanner to probe the ground outside.
While they were working I made some lemon curd to bake lemon curd cupcakes. I put some lemon 🍋 curd inside the cupcake and I must make some meringues to decorate the top.
And I also baked little cinnamon rolls with baked apple lemon juice and cinnamon inside. On top white chocolate , creamed cheese and candied lemon on top.

 This afternoon I will do some crocheting, but for the moment I am cold! I had to stop the boiler all morning while they were working this morning. It is 7 degrees outside, the temperature is going down! We will be soon in winter!

lundi 28 novembre 2022

Maileg mice are preparing Christmas 🎄

All the Maileg family is out preparing Christmas !

They all have their Christmas scarves 🧣 knitted 

While watching TV. On Saturday I got the grandparents 

And last week a baby rabbit. All windows now  have their curtains .

Grandma with her glasses
And grandpa with his moustache.

The family is quite big now and they wish you a very good week.

dimanche 27 novembre 2022

Christmas tea pot

Yesterday we went to get some food for the birds as usual. We had lunch outside and went to «  Black Friday » sales.
This morning I have put the lights on the decorated mantel and I just received a message from my daughter in law saying that the 
7 kl parcel I have sent on Tuesday has just been delivered to their flat ! I have sent Xmas present in advance avoiding the post crowed and yesterday I have sent my Xmas mail.
This summer I found this little tea pot on sale and I thought it would be nice to have it for next Xmas when Maxime will be there.

I love it ! This is my childish side… 

 The mice nearly all have their Christmas scarves 🧣 

I have some more to knit for new arrivals of grandparents and a baby rabbit!

samedi 26 novembre 2022

Starting Christmas decorations..

Yesterday, I started my Xmas decorations on the fire place mantel and on the console. It took me a long time to to take the Autumn decoration off and get the Xmas ones. But last year I have put label on the boxes and it is easier to know where to look for.
It is early morning and the light is poor. We have a lot to do today so we must get up early.

I have send some Xmas presents to my son, as he is not coming for Xmas because their flat owner is selling it and they have to move.
I have sent the parcel on Tuesday, it has arrived in Dubai but is blocked at the customs !
I hope everything is ok I am always scared when I send a parcel nowadays, customs are very strict.

 I wish you a nice weekend.

vendredi 25 novembre 2022

Christmas time is arriving… 🌲


We will soon light up  the first candle of Advent  🕯️ and soon begin to decorate our homes.
Each year it’s a surprise when I look into my Xmas boxes as I have many decorations and after one year
I always discover some I had forgotten about.

Each Saturday we go seed shopping for the birds, 7 kilos a week! Plus coconuts filled with seeds and dried fruits, dehydrated worms, peanuts…
They eat too much and have to much energy and bang into our windows as they fly so quickly ! 😆
We have all the birds from the neighbourhood in our garden!
What they like best are peanuts 🥜.
A belated « Happy Thanksgiving » to our blog friends from USA!
Hope you’ll enjoy your weekend.

jeudi 17 novembre 2022

This and that…

Good news! After 6 months struggle with the firm, my new front door has been repaired! I hope it is definitely repaired ! But we must not open the door for two days.

It took them 3 hours to change the piece which was broken. Three hours with no door by 9 degrees! I had to cut the heating.

Then I had time to go and have my hair cut in a new place closer to home.

On Tuesday, some workers are coming to check the kitchen gas cooker as I have not been well due to a gas leak and a water leak behind the washing machine. A problem never comes alone!

I hope everything will be solved by next week.

This is how I cook for the moment, doing camping!

Not very easy and I will be happy to get my gas cooker back!

It will soon be time to decorate for Christmas 🎄 

Last year we went to our local castle for Xmas and saw this beautiful table!

mercredi 16 novembre 2022

Day by day.

Yesterday was a busy day getting all the papers needed for my mother retirement home file.
I had to walk 5 km and was exhausted.
Finally I got everything this morning and we will be able to give it to the hospital where she is waiting.
Last night I cleaned all her clothes and today I have to fix all her name labels on the clothes.
But all is on the way.

I took a picture from the maple  tree from my bedroom balcony.

My son has sent me some pictures of Maxime on a swing. He still have his round face! And is growing a lot.
This week I am going to send their Xmas presents to Dubai. It takes a long time and I don’t want to be in the Xmas crowded post.

 When you try new food and you don’t like it!

Funny face of the day!
I hope you enjoy your day.

dimanche 13 novembre 2022

A long weekend in Normandy.


Hello friends!

We had a long weekend and decided to go to the sea.
Bandit went to the kennel as he does not like the car travels. 
It was Autumn temperature, with blue sky for the first day, but foggy 🌫 the rest of the weekend.
On the first day we had our lunch outside in the sun by the sea. We had trouble to find a restaurant as
it was very crowded . But we finally found one but had to eat outside in front of the sea  by 11 degrees C it was very  invigorating ! 
I will be very busy this coming week, getting some papers I need to get a retirement home for my mother as soon as possible.

lundi 7 novembre 2022

Like a Monday…

We had a rainy Sunday and stayed inside reading and watching TV and went to visit my mother who still is in hospital 
On Saturday  we went to the shop to get my Maileg ironing board I had ordered and at the same time bought new items . These two Xmas dolls a bath and washbasin , two armchairs, two new beds and I have crocheted a bed cover and decided to get lights ( at Action)


This is the house with light! I must make curtains and more bed covers. I am preparing the Xmas decoration 
For the house.
Isn’t this baby bed cute?
Tomorrow I have an appointment at the local hospital where my 94 year old mother is. She is still there after her heart attack, brain stroke and now bowel obstruction…she refused two opportunities to go to a retirement home last year after a stay in hospital and now I hope I can find one for her because she needs nursing care.

They’ll help me to find a retirement home for her , which is difficult to find when in a rush. I hope I can manage quickly.
Today like a Monday I did the laundry, cooking for tonight, carrot soup, oatmeal cookies, endive salad, rice pudding and tonight egg and cheese omelette, cauliflower and baked apple for a few days!

mercredi 2 novembre 2022

My craft room and DIY

Happy November!
On Saturday, we decided to reorganise my craft room.
We went to IKEA and got a small sofa for me and Bandit. 

This morning I painted this small side table.
This morning sun light through the glass pumpkin 🎃 
I painted the furniture some years ago

I finished my blankets


This is what it will look like when it will be dry!

Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!