mercredi 30 novembre 2022

Baking morning

Today, they tried to install the optic fibre for the third time… unsuccessfully ! They must come back with a scanner to probe the ground outside.
While they were working I made some lemon curd to bake lemon curd cupcakes. I put some lemon 🍋 curd inside the cupcake and I must make some meringues to decorate the top.
And I also baked little cinnamon rolls with baked apple lemon juice and cinnamon inside. On top white chocolate , creamed cheese and candied lemon on top.

 This afternoon I will do some crocheting, but for the moment I am cold! I had to stop the boiler all morning while they were working this morning. It is 7 degrees outside, the temperature is going down! We will be soon in winter!

3 commentaires:

  1. The goodies look delicious. Keep warm if you can.

  2. Your baked goods look wonderful!

  3. What delicious goodies you are making! Keeping the door open would make it very chilly indeed.



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