samedi 28 mai 2022

Mother’s Day Bouquet.

Two days ago I was working on the kitchen and heard on the Rouen Normandy radio a florist was talking about flower bouquets on Mother’s Day , how to keep them long…
He is a “ Meilleur ouvrier de France” he won the title of best florist of France and is making beautiful peonies bouquets .
I love peonies and we decided to ask him to make  my Mother’s Day bouquet! So it is composed of peonies, hydrangeas, euphorbia, clematis, roses…I wanted a romantic bouquet.
I am very pleased with it and next time I will get a sweet pea one!


Do you remember when my son went to see the volcano in Iceland? He filmed and took some pictures, two of his pictures have been selected for an exhibition in London at the Royal Geographical Society and then through England until 2023.
I will try to go to London . The exhibition starts in June.
This was about this 🌋 volcano.
I am very proud for him!

6 commentaires:

  1. That is a wonderful bouquet! And the video is very dramatic,

  2. That bouquet is just gorgeous! I absolutely love peonies.
    Congrats to your son. Hope you can make to London to see it.

  3. Oh My. That video is impressive. Congratulations to your son for the filming.
    What a sweet and romantic bouquet you chose!!!

  4. Wat heb je een goede keuze gemaakt wat het boeket betreft, echt een romantishe schikking,zie er ook Zeeuws knoopje (Astrantia major) tussen zitten.
    Indrukwekkende vidiobeelden en je zoon moet een goede fotograaf zijn om uit de vast vele inzendingen gekozen te worden,wat een eer.

    Heb de laatste tijd vaker proberen te reageren op jou altijd mooie en interessante blogposten maar bij verzenden was mijn reactie verdwenen,helaas.

    Lieve groet,Ger

  5. Nice bouquet and video. It was good to be here to see so many beautiful things and read you.Have a nice Sunday.


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