dimanche 1 mai 2022

Between Netherlands and Belgium

This is the sound of the Beffroi every half an hour.
Today we went to Damme in 🇧🇪 Belgium we saw the “ Beffroi”
This is the “Beffroi » of Sluis 
A Stork nesting on top of the chimney 

We had Lund in The Netherlands in Retranchement in zee land.
I had « croquettes » cheese, meat and shrimp croquettes.
When I go to the Netherlands I always have some croquettes ! 🇳🇱 

 Typical houses of Damme and Bruges in Belgium 🇧🇪 

We will be back home soon and looking forward to go back soon!

1 commentaire:

  1. I very much enjoy seeing your photos of your travels. What would happen to the nesting stork if someone built a fire in the fireplace? Your croquettes look delicious!


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