mercredi 18 mai 2022

Some things Vintage

Today, I went out this morning, but I will stay inside this afternoon because of the unusual heat in May! Yesterday 29.5 C
And higher heat today!
I have put some fresh water for the birds. 
Tonight around 8 we should have violent  thunderstorms 
I am scared of  thunder in our refining the thunder stroke a house and a church this week and set fire. We also have hail which makes damages. Last time we had hail we ´ce lost 10 degrees in 15 minutes!

I found this photo in a thrift store some years ago. I don’t know who is this boy and when the photo was taken, but I found it cute.
I also found this old typewriter in an antique store when we went to Dieppe by the sea in Normandy.

 In these days boys wore navy costumes as a nice garment 

Their Sunday clothes and on special days I expect.

2 commentaires:

  1. I love old typewriters! That is a cute little boy.

  2. Cute photo. Old typewriters are something I admire, too. I learned to type on one (not that old!) and I'm glad I can use a computer keyboard now. Weather seems to be crazy everywhere just now.


Rose Apple recipe and watercolour.

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