vendredi 31 mai 2024

Despite of the sun…

Despite of the rain and a long wait, my peonies are blooming! I love them!
This morning Bandit is gone to the kennel. He was not very pleased, but had no choice! 
We are still having an horrible weather only a few minutes sun between wind and heavy showers! But we have a a very dense vegetation, green grass and weeds!

See you soon.
Thank you for your visit!

jeudi 30 mai 2024

Sailing memory.

 Hello Friends,

Today, is always a rainy day, but I am preparing our outing. The place where we are going is well known for the vintage film” les parapluies de Cherbourg “ “Cherbourg’s umbrellas ☔️”

Ferries going to Great Britain and Ireland are in


Later in the month we are going east where there are strong winds and high ocean currents “ la Hague”. Long ago, we wanted to go on Guernesey island and we did not know about the high current of “ the raz Blanchard” it is well know by the sailors, but not by us… there was a boat race , the skippers were staying in our hotel. Our boat was a speed boat, not a big ferry.
The next day the race was cancelled because of very strong winds, but not our speed boat. It was a terrible crossing! The crew told us to hang because we must crosse the strong currents and the waves were so high that we could not see the sky but a wall of water in front of us when we were coming down the wave.
It was terrifying . The crew had closed all doors and people were frightened and sick!
It took ages to reach the island and for two days we could not walk straight on the ground. We met other passengers who feel the same as us.
I crossed the Channel many times with rough weather but never as much as this crossing! 😆 
We will be staying in the same hotel but not crossing this time!
We will go to visit ounce more “ La cité de la mer” a museum in Cherbourg where there is an exhibition on the Titanic with things they found from the wrecked boat.
We must hurry before June 6th,  80th Second World War commemorative days because the roads will be very crowded .
Today, I am going to book

our favourite hotel in the Netherlands for September!
Our daughter and husband are soon leaving for the Netherlands going to Amsterdam by bike 🚴! They are leaving the car in the north of France and biking 311 kms to Amsterdam and 311 kms back!
Have a nice day!

mercredi 29 mai 2024

 Hello Friends. 

Mother’s Day was a good one at our daughter’s, but as you can remember we worked hard building Maxime’s bed and this bed is not safe enough for the parents… ( i have sent the picture of the bed before buying it )so we are so disappointed that it is my husband’s birthday on Friday and I went on Booking and booked a nice hotel room with a view in a seaside town and we are going away for a few days and go to the restaurant for his Birthday and relax!

Sometimes it is better to take a break and take a good breath !

So I’ll see you soon with nice pictures ( despite of the very bad weather)

dimanche 26 mai 2024

Mother’s Day.

Hello Friends!
Still waiting for my peonies to open!
Roses are coming out everywhere in the garden 

I got a new friend for the little garden, a wind hopper 
Yesterday we built the ikea bed for Maxime. Now everything is ready! I can relax!
It took us (some) time to build it…

 Yesterday morning we had to go to three shops to get the stairs protection gates ( two to install)

Now I have to wait for the deliveries from Dubaï. They are sending some items by UPS not to have to carry them with the two children.
Today it’s Mother’s Day here and we are going to our daughter’s home for the day!

Happy Mother’s day to you!

vendredi 24 mai 2024

Where is the sun 🌞?

Hello Friends!

The weather here is rainy and stormy! Thunderstorms and flooding… the sun disappeared! As soon as there is a little sunny spell we rush outside to do our best.

This weekend we will organise a kind of dormitory for our children and grandchildren. The children will be more confident to sleep near their parents in a house they don’t know. I have to go , more work is to be done!

I wish you a nice weekend!


jeudi 23 mai 2024

Hope for better weather!

Hello Friends!
Yesterday after the roofer came, I decided to go out and have a look at the toy shop.
At the moment Maxime’s parents have a helper at home because our DIL will start  next month and they must have a baby for William. Maxim is going to the kindergarten during the day.
At the moment he is found of cleaning!
So I decided to get a cleaners trolley for him!
I have spent the afternoon fixing all the toy parts and discovered that the vacuum clean even makes sound!
I am waiting for peonies to open but as there is no sun and a lot of rain they are not open yet. They will be pink and yellow.
Foxgloves are beginning 

Today we have a bit of sunshine, but for how long?
Too much rain this month I hope it will improve soon.

lundi 20 mai 2024

Another busy weekend.

After many times to the garden Center grandpa did a good job for our grandsons!
Grandma has a few dry to find and it will be ready!
Tonight grandpa is starting a “prairie fleurie” with many wild flowers I got last week. I also bought cherry tomatoes 🍅.
This is the Adirondack I have been painting 
And this afternoon we rushed to IKEA to get a bed for Maxime, a carpet and all that go with it.

 And now we have to put everything upstairs and build it next weekend.

Tonight we are tired and will eat a sandwich 🥪 no cooking!

dimanche 19 mai 2024

Maxime and William’s garden.

We decided to do a little part of our garden for our grandsons and we will do the inaugural with them in June when they arrive!
We have been working hard 😓 and went to the garden center many times.

We only have a small part to finish and tomorrow we will go to another shop to get more children’s decorations.
We added an insect house.
It is 9 pm and we will have supper and a good rest!

samedi 18 mai 2024

Working hard on our project.

Yesterday, I found these two outside solar lamps 
 That o will use for our garden project.
Some more roses coming out
We must get some black pebbles to cover the green plastic to prevent weeds . One planter has clematis and lavender and I must get some more plants tomorrow morning. I installed some solar lights, butterfly and found some ladybirds  🐞 for Maxime.

On the opposite corner we will put some wild flowers.

Today, the weather was beautiful and I could dry the laundry  🧺 outside!
I  wish you a nice Sunday!

A good day and a good race.

Maud took a selfie of herself because dad missed her arrival ! She ran  too fast !!! 😂 they missed each other! 21.1 kms in 2:02:17. Then we...