mercredi 8 mai 2024

No painting today, but a nice outing !

The beautiful apron I found today!
I love it!

A soy candle

Today, it is warm and sunny. I should have done some painting… but we decided to go to a « vide grenier » ( if I translate it is empty attic.
There were a lot of people 200 hundred exponents.
We found a second hand toy for Maxime a mini handyman’s workbench.
Then we went to a fast food to eat a burger 🍔 
Then we crossed the river Seine on the ferry and went to walk and see this beautiful Abbey ( Jumieges Abbey)
Isn’t it huge!
( for the history, the Vikings destroyed it, then Rollon king of the Vikings became a Catholic he rebuilt it, but the French Revolution destroyed it again!)

See how my husband look small compare to the building.

 The paint will be done tomorrow or another day!
Better to enjoy the coming day!
So we continued our outing and went to another abbey along the river Seine. «  Saint Georges de Boscherville »

It is now all white but in the past there were paintings « polychrome » like in this above picture.

This was or today’s outing!

3 commentaires:

  1. What a lovely outing. Your apron has such beautiful fabric.

  2. Looks like you had a great time!
    Thanks for the ride!
    Wonderful photos!

  3. I am always amazed at how abbies and cathedrals were built long ago before technology and heavy machinery. Such beautiful arches!


DIY placemats and table scape.

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