jeudi 30 mai 2024

Sailing memory.

 Hello Friends,

Today, is always a rainy day, but I am preparing our outing. The place where we are going is well known for the vintage film” les parapluies de Cherbourg “ “Cherbourg’s umbrellas ☔️”

Ferries going to Great Britain and Ireland are in


Later in the month we are going east where there are strong winds and high ocean currents “ la Hague”. Long ago, we wanted to go on Guernesey island and we did not know about the high current of “ the raz Blanchard” it is well know by the sailors, but not by us… there was a boat race , the skippers were staying in our hotel. Our boat was a speed boat, not a big ferry.
The next day the race was cancelled because of very strong winds, but not our speed boat. It was a terrible crossing! The crew told us to hang because we must crosse the strong currents and the waves were so high that we could not see the sky but a wall of water in front of us when we were coming down the wave.
It was terrifying . The crew had closed all doors and people were frightened and sick!
It took ages to reach the island and for two days we could not walk straight on the ground. We met other passengers who feel the same as us.
I crossed the Channel many times with rough weather but never as much as this crossing! 😆 
We will be staying in the same hotel but not crossing this time!
We will go to visit ounce more “ La cité de la mer” a museum in Cherbourg where there is an exhibition on the Titanic with things they found from the wrecked boat.
We must hurry before June 6th,  80th Second World War commemorative days because the roads will be very crowded .
Today, I am going to book

our favourite hotel in the Netherlands for September!
Our daughter and husband are soon leaving for the Netherlands going to Amsterdam by bike 🚴! They are leaving the car in the north of France and biking 311 kms to Amsterdam and 311 kms back!
Have a nice day!

4 commentaires:

  1. That sounds awful! I'm not water lover, prefer to stay on the ground and I would have been a mess for that. Hope you have a great time though - it sounds like an interesting place!

  2. Seeing the Titantic and crossing the channel...just, wow!

  3. I could not have coped with that crossing, although I have experienced pretty awful ones with Brittany ferries!

  4. Bon voyage and smooth sailing, even if you are just driving.


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!