mardi 14 mai 2024

More garden flowers blooming !

Hello Friends !
On Sunday, I just had time to finish my painting when the thunder and heavy rain began, now we are having bad weather. ( but the sun may come back by our three days bank holidays)
Today the roofer came to see what to do on the roof after the numerous windstorms that we had during the winter.
My purple rose bush is full of flowers and has such a nice perfume especially in the evening. 
New peonies are going to bloom

Our new clematis is blooming 

Today, I got the second hand baby playpen.

 Something more to to keep and find a place for the moment.

Tomorrow I am going to test a new hairdresser !( wish me good luck 😉 !!!) I am not lucky with the hairdressers until now 😆.

7 commentaires:

  1. My one peony is gradually coming out too.

  2. It will be a while yet before we have roses blooming. We prune ours pretty heavily. My one peony has buds.

  3. Your garden is so very pretty! I'm jealous of the peonies. Ours keep growing and looking healthy, but not blooming.
    The play pen looks like a good find.
    Good luck with the hairdresser. It's hard to find a new one!

  4. I love the flowers! Beautiful.
    What a cute playpen! I've never seen one like it...

  5. I only have one Peony, a white one, which has many buds but it will be a while before any open.
    I hope the new hairdresser did a good job.

  6. You have beautiful flowers. I am lucky with my hairdresser, I am satisfied with her. I hope that yours will do a good job today.

  7. So the hairdresser has already happened - I really hope you're happy.
    Your rose bushes in the garden are beautiful and I also love peonies, but haven't had any luck with them in the garden yet. The rhodeondron blooms in all the gardens here. It's wonderful.
    Viola sends you many happy greetings.


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!