lundi 6 mai 2024

Bank holidays and busy time!

Hello Friends !
During the first bank holidays we went on the coast, but the weather was awful 😞 but it was nice to breathe fresh air!
There was a street market and I found a vintage porcelain sugar pot and some nice porcelain plates.

Is it the sea or the sky? Normally we can distinguish the sea…
Our daughter and husband are working hard doing their house cladding by themselves. A big work!

Our Azalea in full bloom
The field is in fallow and the farmer has sowed
Some purple seeds all around the field, so we have some flowers instead of crops.
Apple trees are also blooming 

Tomorrow I will be busy. The man from the rat extermination firm is coming. We have rats in the chimney and above the fireplace!

I just went out to take some pictures and saw one in the field next door! 😨 
The roofer is also coming tomorrow to install something on the chimney to avoid rats and I bought some traps…with good cheese 🧀 !
Tomorrow I will open all outside doors and close all the others in case their run out of the fire place when they’ll open the door of the chimney. I am really stressed 😩 I am scared of rats and snakes.
On Wednesday we have other bank holidays and we may go out as the weather should be fine, should be???
I hope to be back next week and visit your blogs.
See you soon!
On Saturday we rented a van to get all the things we did not want anymore from our garages sorting out and went to the recycling Center it was very crowded, now the garages are very clean and tidy!

5 commentaires:

  1. Beautiful sugar dish and plates.
    We had rats in the walls years ago and had to get an exterminator to get rid of them. I hope all goes well if they run out through the house :(

  2. Yes, these are busy times. Holidays mean work days for many of us.
    I like your pretty plates.
    Good luck with the exterminator.

  3. The dessert service is beautiful.
    How difficult but also creative to deal with the construction of your house!
    Where the sea meets the sky is fantastic.
    Have a beautiful week.

  4. What a lovely piece of porcelain, such a good find.

  5. You got some beautiful pieces!
    I hope that exterminator takes care of the rats. They should just stay outside!
    Your daughter and SIL are doing a good job.
    Such pretty photos today. I can't tell where the sea ends.
    Hope your next few days go well!


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!