mercredi 17 janvier 2024

Just a quick Hello.

 Just a quick hello while waiting for my second taxi for the MIR. It is cold outside raining on frozen ground so it is a real ice rink! I hope we won’t have power cuts!

Yesterday I went to see my car in the garage and the driver’s door don’t close anymore so I had to call my insurance and it will be taken to the garage normally tomorrow so I had to call a taxi I hope it will be on time No school and very difficult to drive. We are waiting for a lot of snow in the coming hours. Next week it will be -7C. . In fact I am glad not to drive in such conditions taxi drivers are more expert than I am!
See you soon.

4 commentaires:

  1. Much better to take a taxi. Stay safe.

  2. Yes... TAXI.
    All good wishes for you.
    Hug from Viola

  3. I hope everythig is working out for you today. I will leave soon to see my neurologist in the never ending quet to find out what's wron with me.
    We had some ice rain last night, but now it's 38 and raining steadily, the worst kind of weather.

  4. A taxi sounds like a very good plan. I've been thinking about you and hope that your MRI results are good. Hugs,


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....