mercredi 21 juin 2023

The little Highlander.

 Hello friends,

Yesterday, we had another storm and big branches of our trees are broken!some of the roof tiles are damaged, but today it is a little more calm.

Yesterday I went to have my hair cut before the storm as I have to go through a part of forest.

Before we left for the seaside o had the result of my MIR and I may have polyarthrite and have terrible pains. I can’t take the usual medications because another health problem. So this morning I went to the chemistry and got some black currant drops which is good against inflammation of the joints. I have a severe inflammation of one of my foot joints. Walking in the sea was good for me and relieved my pain. This week the nurse will come for a blood test.I must get better before Maxim and his parents arrive!

The worst is that I now can’t eat rhubarb pies anymore!

I will freeze it for my son when they are coming on holidays in August.

This little statuette is a “biscuits” from my collection. It represents a little highlander , I love all the details of his costume, his face and the lights colours.Behind is a little oil painting.A mountain scenery I found in s brocante. I think they go well together!

I hope you are fine and that you have nice weather!

6 commentaires:

  1. Oh Catherine, I'm so sorry you are in pain! And you no longer will be able to eat rhubarb pie! Praying you will be better before your Maxim comes for the visit!!
    The figurine is beautiful...

  2. Catherine, I am so sorry that you have pain.I wish you speedy recovery.
    The little highlander is nice. When I was in France I saw a lot of brocante-s. I liked them.

  3. Foot pain is so hard to deal with. I wish you success in finding treatments that help.

  4. I hope the Black Current drops are helpful. I'm making a note to myself to see if they are also available here in Canada.

  5. The statue is cute!
    I'm sorry about the weather you are dealing with.
    I have rheumatoid arthritis - I should try the current drops. I hope they help you!

  6. Both the painting and the little highlander are lovely pieces to display in your home. I'm sorry to read about your diagnosis and hope that you will be well when Maxime and his parents arrive.


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!