lundi 26 décembre 2022

Lockdown Xmas!

It was a rather strange Christmas this year!
I was locked down with covid and no visits
Except my daughter who ventured to bring some Xmas food for us and our presents!
We wore both a thick masks 😷 
Mr L did the shopping and went to get the Xmas log I ordered  previously to bring at my daughter’s, but we finally ate it during these two days.
The next day my daughter went for à bicycle ride and was bitten by a German shepherd at the leg!
I hope next Christmas will be better and with our family.

We had a very, very quiet evening with our dog Bandit!
I had bought Bandit à Xmas sweater 
This is part of my daughter’s Xmas presents
A Romertopf to cook an apple as you can see.
Romertopf is hand made in Germany ( it is called a Roman  casserole) it is made of clay and allows  to steam cook and healthy cook with no fat.

This is the big one! She chose one for six!

I feel a little better and I could use my casserole and cook some 🐓 chicken yesterday. I  have the food taste back but I can’t smell much. I think this time it will take long to recover. I hope everyone has had a nice Christmas time with his family!

Xmas presents from my son two Japanese doll houses to build!

More and more flowers!

5 commentaires:

  1. I hope you will be better soon! Covid is not nice at all...
    Oh so cute dog, love his outfit :)

  2. How wretched to have Covid over Christmas. Here in England there have been so many viruses around. Feel better soon.

  3. Sorry that your Christmas was disappointing and sorry that your poor daughter was bitten by a dog! Hope you feel better very soon.

  4. Such a different Christmas than hoped for. I'm glad you are beginning to feel better, and I hope the dog bite wasn't too serious for your daughter. The Buche de noel looks delicious!


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