mardi 26 juillet 2022

Preparing the house for our visitors!

Hello friends!
I love hydrangeas’ time!
This one is always blue when the others are turning pink. This part of the garden must be different from the others.


Bad news the new door has a big problem and they had to cut a part of it( the top is too tight! ) we are very disappointed after 9 months waiting!
The firm is closing in august for holy days as all is closing in august in France! And they should come I’m September when we’ve planed our vacations…
But a good news is the coming of this little boy who is coming to see grandma beginning of August!
I hope the travel from Dubai will not be too hard for him. Grandma has prepared my bed and everything for my arrival and we will meet soon for the first

Hello everybody!
See you soon!

4 commentaires:

  1. I love hydrangea time too. And, Oh my, such excitement and anticipation to meet your sweet grandson!

  2. Disappointing that the door isnt right. You will so enjoy the visit of that little charmer!

  3. It's too bad the door doesn't fit right after all the waiting time. Frustrating.
    Your Hydrangeas are so lovely even with the hot weather that you've had.

  4. Your flowers are just gorgeous!
    So sorry about the door.
    Maxime is so very cute. It won't be long now!


This and that…

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