jeudi 21 juillet 2022

Babar the elephant 🐘 and Peter the rabbit 🐇

 Do you know Babar?

This is a little elephant having adventures in children’s book.
This Babar was my son’s favourite and he has 33 years.
Two days ago I went to get it in a box for my grandson, I decided to wash it with baby washing liquid and when I got it from the machine all the inside came out!
Last night I repaired it ( for the second time) I did not remember Babar had already been repaired !
Just as a decoration now. The King Babar is now ready!
I did not know what to cook last night, after having eaten plenty of salads during the hot days. I baked a broccoli, goat cheese bacon and onions then we had some of the apricot Charlotte.

I went to visit one of my friend ÂŽs shop and I found this soft toy ( very soft!)
I bought her an issue of «  Nordic Living » and now she is now a reseller and I could get the special garden issue.
In another of my favourite shops I found this Peter rabbit music đŸŽ¶ box for Maxime.

This is the growing collection !
Today 21degrees but still hot in the house.
Outside I appreciate the coolness!
Have a good day!

5 commentaires:

  1. I remember Babar. These old characters are really special.

  2. You are having such a good time collecting baby things!

  3. You must be counting the days until you meet Maxime in person. What delightful toys and decorations. Peter Rabbit is a favourite!

  4. Oh yes, I remember reading Babar books to my children.
    Isn't it amazing that once one has a grandchild there are so many ideas of things to get for them!!

  5. I remember Babar! Your little Babar is very cute and so sweet to pass it from Father to son.


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