jeudi 20 janvier 2022


This morning I was dusting the room and souvenirs of my children childhood reminded me of the old good times.
On the wall an old school map .
Some years ago I found these wooden Pinocchio, I like the simplicity of the dolls.
This is our son’s room and with his sister we had decorated the whole cieling with stars and planets that shines at night.

When my son came for Christmas he bought the same ones for his baby boy Maxime.

This is a talking fish, he sings bring me to the water !

This little horse is called Palomino, we brought it when we went on holidays in Cornwall a long time ago.

The Brother and sister. It was difficult for my son not to move

While the photographer took the picture!

 These wooden dolls are a present from my son from Greece when he was on Erasmus.

Today, is still a sunny cold day and this afternoon I will cook some vegetables, while Bandit my dog, whatch his favorite tv program « Rex » a police dog!

7 commentaires:

  1. Your children are/were beautiful.
    Most of my children's childhood treasures have been stored away for a long time, but some have always been accessible for my grandchildren.
    Your dog has a favorite TV program??!!

  2. Loved seeing the childhood memories. Your children are beautiful! My brother and I were just talking about the singing bass wall plaques just the other day! LOL My grandkids have a dog named Bandit. He's a border collie. Enjoy the program, Bandit! :)

  3. Beautiful photo of your children when they were young. Wonderful memories.

  4. Your kids were just adorable! Fun memories.

  5. What beautiful children you have! Our granddaughter has those glow in the dark stars and planets on her ceiling, too. Good toys are quite universal. Have a great weekend.

  6. Lovely childhood memories! Lovely children and love that fish on the wall :)


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