mardi 11 janvier 2022

Beginning the year with workers in the house!

 Hello Friends,

I have not been very active on my blog these days, but this new year has not started well.

With the holidays, many families gathered and the contaminations have exploded. 

It is time to stay at home again and it is very boring!

Tomorrow, the workers are coming to change the two radiators in the living room. I will stay with Bandit in my room for the day with a mask on and with no heating again.

We try to keep active and do some work in the house. As I had some paint left, I will refresh the  paint of the kitchen cabinets and paint the inside of the doors I did not have time to do.

Saturday we ventured to do some shopping and bought a new machine to clean the floors and the carpets at Lidl. I tried it yesterday, it is a bit noisy, but works well on floors. I will have to test on carpets.

So, this week will be paint, exercises on my treadmill walking ( not sure of the word?) as the weather is too bad to go outside.

Today, the rain stopped for a moment and there was this beautiful sky.

Last week I also ventured to have my hair cut and one of the hairdresser was not here and had Covid.

This morning, a member of my husband’s doctors surgery has Covid for the second time ( fully vaccinated) I hope my husband won’t get it, not sure…

Yesterday, I watched by the window and saw

that the neighbour’s sheep were grazing in our field. Having no food in theirs, they broke the fence to get food. We opened the two shelters we have for them. Their owner never comes to look after Them, so they managed to get food by themselves!

I  stay home most of the time and today I can hear the workers downstairs complaining about the weight of the cast iron radiators! They are not used to old houses 

I hope they manage to do the work!

The next work is the front door which should arrive by the end of the month. I hope so! I ordered it in June…

I took the pictures while they were on pause.

I will probably have more work to do when they’ll leave tonight!

Well actually they have made a hole in a pipe in the wall! I have still got water everywhere  ! 

I have bad luck now I am sure😒 everything is going wrong since the beginning of the year!☹️


7 commentaires:

  1. All the upset will be worth it when you get your new radiators.

  2. I'm happy for the sheep that they have good neighbors!
    Messes and complications are not fun.

  3. Sorry you have such a mess to cope with. I don't do well when things are in a mess and confusion. Hopefully the work will be done and the workmen gone SOON.

  4. Oh my - work on the house is always a mess,but is worth it!
    I'm sad for those sheep - glad you are good to them!

  5. Oh dear, I hope the troubles will be shortlived and life will get back to normal for you. So good of you to take care of your neighbour's sheep.
    Stay warm!

  6. It makes me anxious to see your beautiful home in disarray from the workers! I hope they will fix everything properly and on time and you can have a feeling of peace in your home again. At least you are getting the bad luck at the beginning of the year, and it will surely be gone and the rest of the year will be peaceful and lucky! Thank you for loving those poor sheep and letting them eat and shelter.


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