dimanche 23 janvier 2022

Saturday finds and ancient castle

Hello Friends

Yesterday, we went to a small town where I wanted to see a decoration shop I saw on The net.
This is a Shabby Chic boutique with a white romantic decoration.
At the same time I took a few pictures of the typical homes of our villages in Normandy.this is the presbytery, I took the pictures across the gates.

This one is what we call a « Maison bourgeoise » which is the houses where rich people from the town lived. This one has four chimneys!
These ruins were a fortified Casthle in the 12C replacing a Roman one.

In the shop, I found this silk rose with faded colours.
I will buy some more from time to time to make a nice bunch of roses.

We also went shopping to Lidl and found this terrarium with light  for 12 euros!

In the decoration shop I found this frame from Blanc Mari clo from Italy. Now I have to look for a picture!

7 commentaires:

  1. What a lovely place! That shop looks amazing.

  2. I just love that house! Maison Bourgeoise...
    The shop looks great too!
    Have a happy Sunday and take care :)

  3. I love the houses, thank you for sharing. I am very fascinated by old houses. That kind of shops are so nice! The silk roses are beautiful. Happy new week!

  4. I hope you will find a nice picture to put into the frame.
    Have a nice Sunday! There is snow here. I am inside in my warm apartment.

  5. One of the things I love about Europe, the Old World, is that you can have a castle ruin in your village! We are not that old here in the New World.

  6. It's a beautiful building that I would love to visit. I really like that rose too!

  7. When we visit France I always want to see as many castles and older homes as I can. The past fascinates me.
    What a fun shop to visit, and I like the pretty things you picked up.


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