vendredi 14 janvier 2022

Frost, sales and Norwegian sweater.

 Hello Friends,

Yesterday, we had fog all morning and sun and blue sky in the afternoon.I decided to go out to my favorite little town « Le Neubourg » to get some fresh air ( not easy with a mask! » and go and see the Sales in the shops, as they have been starting this week.

I found some items to decorate the fire place mantel, some new shoes ( varnish shoes) a new bag ( very cheap) a  ring and bracelet ( costume jewellery)

Today, we are having frost and sun again! Yesterday, the people I met were all very happy to have sun this was the conversation of the day! 

Unfortunately, Rouen and it’s surroundings are supposed to be the place where it is raining the most in the region! So, when there is sun and blue sky it’s an event and people are feeling very happy!

I already had the necklace and found the bracelet on sale.

Today, I will wear a pair of jeans, my new shoes and Norwegian sweater! The sweater is SO warm! I brought this sweater from Bergen a very nice town and fish market. We had a fabulous lunch outside on the fish market!

Hope you enjoy your day.

5 commentaires:

  1. Your Norwegian sweater looks a lot like mine that I bought in Norway.
    Those are some shiny shoes!
    We are hoping the fog gives way to sun this afternoon too.

  2. Warm sweaters are needed for these frosty winter days. Your new shoes are lovely and I'm sure you looked most chic with your jeans and sweater.
    January is half over, so we're a wee bit closer to spring!

  3. I'm sure you looked very nice in that pretty sweater and jeans. I love your new bag!

  4. Lovely sweater, shiny shoes - love it!
    Love from Titti


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