mercredi 12 janvier 2022

Edith Holden and pieces of my wardrobe.

 Hello Friends,

Today, let me show you an old painting I did when I was 19. I was staying with an English family in Chippenham, Wiltshire ( a wonderful region) and when I spent Sundays with the family, we decided to do painting, knitting or patchwork with Jenny my landlady.

This is where I discovered Edith Holden’s books.

I had a wonderful time there and even came home with a Collie dog I found in a kennel, it was one of my dream since I saw the film Lassie , but I called her Lady. I am still in touch with the family many years later.

Tomorrow I am going to try baking speculoos. I found some speculoos preparation and my daughter had brought me the wooden ( thing?) mould? To make some.

Last night I had to clean the whole house and I am having a rest today. It is nice to be warm again!

I have been looking at my wardrobe and took some pieces out of it, I particularly like this dress  with a linen jacket and a bag I found on sale.

The second one.

And finally the new radiators!

I wish you a good day.

8 commentaires:

  1. You have a very nice paining. You are a real talent.
    Have a good rest after cleaning the whole house.I think it was not easy to do that.
    It is good to read that you are in touch with that kind family.
    I wish you all the best.

  2. Edith Holden's books are such an inspiration for painting. I have one in my library for just that purpose. I love your dresses! The speculoos look very interesting. Have fun! :)

  3. You have an elegant wardrobe!
    That painting is wonderful.

  4. First of all, your painting is beautiful. I would frame it and hang it somewhere! Your wardrobe outfits look very chic - I especially like the first one with that elegant handbag.
    Warm house, clean house, and baking - sounds lovely.

  5. I am so impressed with that painting.
    I love the outfits too. I have a necklace almost the same as the one with the second dress.
    Happy cookie making!

  6. With your talent for painting you should do more!!
    Your outfits are so lovely. Very pretty.
    I've eaten ( and enjoyed) those Speculoos cookies but have not tried making them. Good luck.


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