dimanche 30 janvier 2022

Signs of Spring in the garden 🪴

 I went in the garden today and there is finally signs of Spring !

The sun is shining for the day, only for the day unfortunately, but we must enjoy that day.
Mr L is giving food to the birds 🦅 and took Bandit for a walk.

A new tea cup!

vendredi 28 janvier 2022

Thumbprints and Madeleines

 Hello Friends, 

Today, the weather is cold and foggy until tomorrow.

We should have a little sun on 🌞 Sunday!

It is a nice weather to stay inside, to cook and to bake.

Yesterday morning I made “Thumbprints ” from this book and this morning some Madeleines.

My Madeleines are usually not like the ones in the bakery, but this time with my new oven and baking 8 minutes at 240C I managed to get them like this…

The Thumbprints are crusty outside and  soft          Inside
I used cherry jam . On the recipe they use chocolate. 

My Madeleines are orange ones.

160 gr flour
50gr soft butter
100gr brown sugar
1 soup spoon milk.

Mix all the ingredients make two rolls and cut slices of 2 centimetres each. 
In the middle using your thumb make a well
And fill it with jam.
Bake for 15 mn at 180 C and that’s all!

mercredi 26 janvier 2022

Early baking.

 Hello Friends,

This early morning, I baked hazel nuts and chocolate chips muffins. Every evening, there is a   Program           On TV , the Best baker and chief pastry of France. 🥐 

They began by Normandy being the closest to Paris and I thought I was only going to watch the program from Normandy, but I am watching each day! They are going in french regions and taste the breads and cakes and at the choose the best bakery of France.

Today, I tried grilled hazelnuts and I made a caramel and put the nuts into the caramel. 🥜 

I have to improve, but I will watch the program and take all the advices.

I am going to make bread next time.

No fog today, but we need light in the house, it is all grey!

I will try to walk this afternoon.

Have a good day.

mardi 25 janvier 2022

Fog and frost!

This morning we are having fog and frost until - 4C
And the plants are beautiful with frost on them, I could not resist and went out to take pictures.

I love this dried Hydrangea flowers with frost on its edges.

 I am waiting for the sun and will go walking.
While waiting I’m cooking pork with apple and cider
And apple “ compote”

Hope you have a nice day.

lundi 24 janvier 2022

A nice walk in my village.

On a nice Monday afternoon, I went walking four kilometres by myself. I walked three on Friday and today I improved, in one hours walk. I am exercising in order to be able for my travel to visit my son soon.

This is an old wall, made of clay and straw.

The door of our church

 This house is definitely closed and lost. Because of the change of climate the clay ground is moving and so is the house!

Very scary!

These houses with garage and small garden are for elderly people.

This house is in a Normand style. It is a big and nice one, but not sold an empty now for many years. I love the kind of tower.

Now I will be h it ting for an hour and tonight visit your blogs!

À présent from Mr L ! I don’t know which colour it will be! I hope white. 

dimanche 23 janvier 2022

Saturday finds and ancient castle

Hello Friends

Yesterday, we went to a small town where I wanted to see a decoration shop I saw on The net.
This is a Shabby Chic boutique with a white romantic decoration.
At the same time I took a few pictures of the typical homes of our villages in Normandy.this is the presbytery, I took the pictures across the gates.

This one is what we call a « Maison bourgeoise » which is the houses where rich people from the town lived. This one has four chimneys!
These ruins were a fortified Casthle in the 12C replacing a Roman one.

In the shop, I found this silk rose with faded colours.
I will buy some more from time to time to make a nice bunch of roses.

We also went shopping to Lidl and found this terrarium with light  for 12 euros!

In the decoration shop I found this frame from Blanc Mari clo from Italy. Now I have to look for a picture!

Family team.

Some are resting 😴 with ears straight up!while other member of the family are doing sports!!! My daughter has sent me this picture taken by...