mercredi 3 novembre 2021

Busy days!

 Hello friends,

Today we are having the first November frost.

For a week now, I have not very much time to be on my blog.Last week, the lady who is delivering meals to my 94 year old mother could not get into her flat as she was fallen on the floor. The firemen had to climb with their ladder up to her balcony on the third floor and had to break the window and shutters . They have taken her to we are busy with my mother and trying to replace the window…. And look after two old cats and clean everyday what the cats do in the flat.

She had helpers for the cleaning… but we had to clean everything by ourselves  as they are not allowed to come when the person is not at home!

I try to help my husband but since my surgery I can’t do much, it is becoming very hard for us. There was no room in our local hospital so she is at 40 km from home we are going there on weekends as I can’t drive that long. I will try to go on your blogs and on mine when I have some free time. I took a break and did some shopping for my mother’s flat and in the same shop I had a look at the Xmas decorations!

See you soon!

7 commentaires:

  1. I am very sorry to read about your mother's fall. Elderly parents can be a cause of concern, and I hope she recovers well. It is a lot of work for you and your husband. Take good care of yourselves.
    Christmas decorations are always fun to look at. I use the same ones over and over each year.

  2. SO sorry about your mother! And all the challenges that went with her accident. Sending up a prayer for all of you.

  3. I hope the Christmas decorations cheered you up a bit. Taking care of elder parents is hard. Mine are gone and I am wondering how long it will be before I am an elder parent needing taken care of.

  4. I am so sorry to hear of your mother's fall. I hope she will recover enough to be independent again in her own flat and reunited with her old kitty cats. How kind of you to look after them. What a stressful time. I pray and hope for you to heal, also.

  5. We just had our first frost too.
    I'm sorry about your mom. It's hard to see our parents aging.
    It's fun to see those Christmas decorations.

  6. I am sorry to hear about your mother. I pray for her that she will be well soon. I also pray for you for all the extra you have to do. Warm wishes

  7. So sorry for your mother...
    Yes, its busy days and the Christmas decorations har arrived in our shops too!
    Have a lovely Sunday and take care.


DIY placemats and table scape.

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