mercredi 10 novembre 2021

Early decoration.

 Hello Friends,

I usually start my Christmas decorations beginning of December, but as I am very busy I decided to start now.

I’ll do the Xmas tree in December just before the arrival of my son!

I used my dehydrated oranges as you can see.

I have lots of decorations, but my favorites at the moment are the white ones.

And you which colour are you going to use for your Christmas decoration ?

These are my two new pieces!

7 commentaires:

  1. Lovely decorations! My decorations are mostly in red and green. This year I am not sure how I will decorate, since we are moving into our new home December 20!

  2. My colours of decoration are red, white, silver and gold.

  3. I have no color scheme. I have a lot of Christmas decorations that I have been collecting for many years and I just put them all out.

  4. I really like your trees! I like white decorations too.

  5. Your decorations are lovely!! I haven't decided yet how I will decorate. Hopefully it will be more simple than last year.

  6. I go for red and green, but also mix in lots of woodsy brown ornaments. Woodland animals and birds. I'm not a big decorater. I mostly decorate my big windowseat area. It's just me, so I don't go to a lot of effort. :) I like lots of creches, too.

  7. Lovely decorations, Catherine. I like the way you've used the dried orange slices. I am a fan of lots of white, with red, and natural greenery. I will start decorating at the first Sunday of Advent.


DIY placemats and table scape.

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