mercredi 24 novembre 2021

Saint Catherine’s day.

 Today is Saint Catherine’s day!

In France the single girls used to wear a special hat on this day. They were called the “ Catherinettes “.

Beautiful ornamented hats, with fruits, flowers and birds…this was in the past. I remember when I use to receive beautiful cards on that day, as a child I was so happy.

so , I wish a Happy Catherine’s  day to the Catherine.

Today, we have frost and rain at the same time, by the end of the week we are going to have snow.

I was going to do some shopping this morning, but I will wait. We have lots of slopes and hills to get out of the village and it is going to be slippery!

My new oven should be arriving today, ready for Xmas 

Cooking and baking. 

I will start to decorate the Xmas tree this weekend, but before I will receive my third Covid injection tomorrow.

7 commentaires:

  1. happy saint Catherine day dear Catherine

    i enjoyed learning about hats that girls wear on this day .

    hope rain is pleasure ,here we starve for it for months :(

    best of luck with xmas preparation and oven .
    nice to have complete vaccination my friend .
    blessings to you and loved ones!

  2. Happy Catherine day to you! Back in time before the Lutheran reformation, the Catholic saints days were celebrated in Norway. But the days were often linked to different events in the seasons. Catherine's day was called Kari (a Norwegianization of the name) with the spinning wheel. That meant it was time to start spinning yarn!

  3. Saint Catherine's Taffy is a kind of sweet made by French-Canadian families in honour of St. Catherine. It was a tradition that I remember the nuns at school would make some and shared with us.

  4. Oh, thank you so much. I didn't know that. What a lovely way for a girl to say hello to the world ... if she want. :)
    All my best and a happy happy Christmas time

  5. Very interesting to learn of Saint Catherine's Day.
    We put up a bit of our Christmas decor after our Thanksgiving dinner today.

  6. I had no idea of the how St Catherine's day was celebrated in the past. That sounds so wonderful. I wish the old days were still here, combined with the new. *SIGH* How wonderful when you were a child to have your Saint's day recognized with beautiful cards! Glad the oven is coming soon, you are a wonderful cook.

  7. Happy Catherine Day to you, Catherine! Baking in a new oven will be enjoyable.


DIY placemats and table scape.

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