vendredi 26 novembre 2021

Xmas cookies cutting shapes

These are from last year.

Hello dear Friends,
Today started well , with a early Skype call from my son! He was in the Dubai Mall at Marks and Spencer .
My daughter in law trying to find some new clothes as she is pregnant.
The baby is moving well.
With my son we  decided that his future baby will wear his baby clothes, as I kept preciously all my children baby clothes in a safe place , like jewels!
I had the idea to give them to my children.
Yesterday, I received my new oven, ready for Xmas baking and cooking!
I had problems to find one, because of COVID shops are not well delivered.
I did not want a connected one, but in fact I have one!
Connected to my phone 
It has lots of different fonctions
It can be steam for bread baking, special program for pizza…. It has a cooking probe ( i hope it’s the correct word)
for meat and poultry 
9 different fonctions.
Last night I connected it to the wifi  and I was proud of myself to have done it with success ( it took me some time, but it is done! ) it is hard when you are getting older to keep “ Connected “ to the modern world!
It’s a hard job, but it is necessary nowadays but I don’t want to give up .
Now, I am ready for my Xmas baking!
I already prepared the cookies cutting shapes I used with my children each Xmas .
I have quite a lot now. They come from different countries and places and I love to make them.
This afternoon I will have my third Covid injection
I am prepared to have a painful arm for a few days!
I wish you all a nice weekend.


mercredi 24 novembre 2021

Saint Catherine’s day.

 Today is Saint Catherine’s day!

In France the single girls used to wear a special hat on this day. They were called the “ Catherinettes “.

Beautiful ornamented hats, with fruits, flowers and birds…this was in the past. I remember when I use to receive beautiful cards on that day, as a child I was so happy.

so , I wish a Happy Catherine’s  day to the Catherine.

Today, we have frost and rain at the same time, by the end of the week we are going to have snow.

I was going to do some shopping this morning, but I will wait. We have lots of slopes and hills to get out of the village and it is going to be slippery!

My new oven should be arriving today, ready for Xmas 

Cooking and baking. 

I will start to decorate the Xmas tree this weekend, but before I will receive my third Covid injection tomorrow.

Special day!

 Hello Friends!

I wish you a Very Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a nice time with your family, enjoy the day!

( source on the net)

Each year I try to find new ornaments for my Christmas tree. This year, I found this glas hand painted tea pot from   “Meander” in Netherlands.

I soon will hang this tea pot on my tree.

mardi 23 novembre 2021

Mini fireplace and Christmas lights.


We are having sunny Autumn weather here, but as we have full moon during the night, we are having frost.
I like this weather cold but shiny.

Things are nearly being settled here and it allows me to prepare Christmas. I don’t know if we will be able to gather, but despite of the bad news I decided to continue my decoration.

On Friday I will have my third injection.
My son in Dubai had his sanitary pass yesterday, his wife is still waiting.
Each time he is coming to France we don’t know if they’ll be allowed until the last minute.

This morning, I can see the sparrows, pigeon turtle doves and blackbirds having their breakfast.
We buy one kilo grains each week and we have so many birds in our garden all winter!

On my Xmas shopping time, I found this small fireplace. Bandit ( my dog) was scared of the fire.
I have a fireplace, a real one, but i don’t use it at the moment some work must have been done on it before I use it again.

I apologise, but I still have problems with blogger
Most of the time I can’t live comments.

Have a nice day!

samedi 20 novembre 2021

Ideas for Christmas.

 Today, we went to get the Christmas decorations for our table in my favorite shop “ Grains de folie”. I found some beautiful  candle holders.

I don’t know yet how I will use them on the table and if we will be able to gather for Xmas, but I keep positive and continue my Xmas shopping!

vendredi 19 novembre 2021

A little break to enjoy the day!

Today, day out! Having lunch outside at my favourite restaurant “ les deux zèbres” the two zebras.

I had my lunch outside  .My morning was spent at the hairdresser which helps to be in good spirits!

Then I had a look at the Christmas shops decorations.


My favorite bakery, religieuses, éclairs, tartes…
The chocolate shop and deli, specialities from Normandy and France. At the back there is a tea room.

More cakes, we always buy our  cakes, Birthday cakes and Christmas cakes there.
Another «  Patisserie » ( bakery)
Christmas wreath at the flower shop” Fleuriste”

Fall decorations. 
I forgot to take a picture of my lunch!
I had creamed chicken with rice and salad and a lemon tart with. Meringue  on top and a coffee!
Sentence of the day:  “ To take care of others start by taking care of yourself! “
I wish you a good weekend!
I received the  beautiful Xmas issue of “ Nordique Living”

Family team

Some are resting 😴 with ears straight up!while other member of the family are doing sports!!! My daughter has sent me this picture taken by...