jeudi 30 septembre 2021

An early morning and a Happy October.


Hello Friends,

Today, when I opened my bedroom window, I had a nice view of a dear grazing under the big tree and a beautiful sky!
On Monday, they are coming to install the  internet fiber , I hope 
 my internet connection will be boosted! Because it takes me ages to upload pictures and sometimes I can’t leave comments on your blogs.
I hope it will work, not sure. I will not be on my blog until they finished. They are coming on Monday 8 O ‘clock . But at one of my friends they left by midnight! If  I am not on my blog next week it’ll be due to internet problems.
This week end, I am going to my favorite shop to get some pull overs for the winter and order some bulbs from «  Farmer gracy » in Netherlands 
I hope you’ll enjoy your weekend! See you soon.

( source: Edith Holden . The nature notes of an Edwardian Lady)

Some things to eat!

Today, I have been baking. The weather being very bad outside, rain and only 12 C degrees.

I baked a brioche for Mr L and some salted pan cakes to eat filled with egg, ham and cheese for tonight with a salad.

The wooden doll was a souvenir I brought from Massachusetts.

I found it in a box when I have select what I was going to keep or not.

 I brought some specialities from Brittany for our daughter.

The spécialités are salted butter caramels, chouchen is an alcohol 

Made with the fermentation of honey and water , it was a Celtic beverage, salt, crème de salidou is butter salted caramel to spread on pancakes or bread

I found a tea towel for my collection!
Kouign aman , this is a rich cake full of butter, a speciality from Brittany. Pan cakes and salted «  galettes » are also a speciality accompanied with a glass of cider! Cider is common to Normandy and Brittany.
Autumn in the garden!

Have a nice day!

mardi 28 septembre 2021

Mr Bandit back from the kennel.

Hello Friends,

Today, I went to fetch Mr Bandit at the kennel.

When he saw me, he just ran towards me, say hello… and directly jumped into the car!

I always take him ( what they call a hotel room)

They have for smaller dogs rooms with heating and all they need to be calm!

He did not destroy anything this time! Most of the time he destroy his bed!

But, this time he has enjoyed his stay and has been a good boy! 

He enjoyed very much the nice walks in the fields.

I found this kennel about 14 years ago and I am very satisfied.

 Mr Bandit is very tired each time he goes to the kennel… too much stress to see other dogs! And he is glad to enjoy the confortable bed again.
We don’t see much Butterflies nowadays, only tiny yellow ones, but this time I enjoyed to see this beautiful one and did not know they had purple colours.their purple colour matches with the asters.

I also found the last strawberries and moles coming back on the  lawn!

Mr Bandit and I will have a quite rest of the week having a rest after our long walks each day.

In Brittany we’ve walked 8 kilometres a day.

I hope you enjoy your day!

Going back home.

This is a view from the fortifications.
Hello Friends 
As you can see, cruise boats are starting again. There were some tourists, but at this time of the year, it was mostly retired people .
There are lots of small islands all around.
This is the « Promenade » out of the walls. We are three km from the fortified town, so it’s a good walk each day!
A nice hotel, the thalassotherapy of Saint Malo. My son stayed there during his honeymoon in France.
The pirate Surcouf with a seagull on his head….
It would be nice to live there sometimes!

Another fortification

And finally the sea, before we leave.

In fact, we went there, to have a rest, but also to look the houses for our retirement. We are searching the right place, not too far from our daughter , not too far from an airport for our son and not too far from a good hospital and think of old age! A new hospital is been built!
Tomorrow I will collect Mr Bandit from it’s kennel and we will plan another trip to Netherlands soon, I hope!
Here is a picture of me taken by Mr L. With my walking stick since my surgeries and lots of bonus kilos! But here I am!

On the road back home!
See you soon.

lundi 27 septembre 2021

Mont Saint Michel , bell and copper manufactures.

 Hello Friends, 

Today we have been near “ Mont Saint Michel”

This is a well known place. It’s a was a worship place a pilgrimage place.

We were lucky to enjoy the view of the sea, but glad to see an old sailing boat.

This place is called “ Villedieu-les-Poêles “
They are famous for manufacturing bells.
The bells of our churches here in Normandy.
This district (département) called La Manche is on our way to Brittany.
They are also famous for their copper industry.
I took this picture through a shop window, the shop Bering closed on Sunday.

This is a thatched house typically from Brittany.
This is ours in Normandy.

I hope you enjoy this new coming week!

A good day and a good race.

Maud took a selfie of herself because dad missed her arrival ! She ran  too fast !!! 😂 they missed each other! 21.1 kms in 2:02:17. Then we...