mardi 7 septembre 2021

This and that…

 Hello everybody,

Today, my day started with some Kolnisch Wasser after my shower. I usually use french perfumes, but when it’s too hot I rather use “ eau de Cologne”. Today, will be the hottest day before we get thunder storms.

We will have more than30C.

I remember my stay in Frankfurt when I was fifteen, I had two pen friends and stayed in Germany for one month.

It was in August and was so hot . We went for a trip to Koln

Visited the cathedral and stayed inside for several hours , it was beautiful but also fresh inside and this is how I bought my fisrt bottle of 4711 eau de Cologne.

Yesterday, while choosing what I am going to keep and what I am going to give, I decided to keep my bread maker and make a “ Brioche”. When I first used it ,  my children often laugh about it,

The bread came out like a brick and even the birds did not want it!

I hope my brioche will be soft and tasty! Lol

The neighbour next door is using a jackhammer ( I found this translation, what a funny word! I hope it is the right one?)

The door open, it makes a lot of noise and certainly during the whole day!

I continue to sort out everything in the house and tonight Mr L and I are going to the thrift store to give them clothes….

Tomorrow I will sort out books and magazines and we will put them in the free reading bookcases we have in our village.

More is coming! But I feel much better to know that we will have less to take with us in four years and I will be four years OLDER

That’s the problem I prefer to anticipate!

I wish you a good day!

5 commentaires:

  1. I also have a bottle of 4711 eau de Cologne in my bathroom. I remember when I was a child the neighbour woman also had it. I remember her smell when she came to us.I did not not know what was it in my childhood. When I became older I bought it for myself.

  2. I love scents and I wonder what the 4711 eau de Cologne smells like. It must be wonderful, lasting the test of time. I laughed about your first unfortunate loaf of bread from your breadmaker - "even the birds did not want it!" Now that is some hard bread!

  3. I have been in that cathedral. So impressive. I didn't by cologne though. I don't wear scented products, except for lavender hand lotion at bed time.

  4. Yes, jackhammer is a strange name for it and it definitely is very noisy. You have my sympathy if that was going on all afternoon.

  5. nice memories about trip at fifteen with friends dear friend :) i enjoyed so much .i hardly use cologne though .

    i bet you children were happy with you bread success :)

    how nice to giveaway things that you don't need anymore !
    aging is physical problem though it can be handled to some extent with mediation i think .


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