vendredi 4 juin 2021

Giving simply vintage magazine Xmas n37.

 Yesterday, I was re arranging my bookcase and came across this issue of simply vintage. If somebody is interested ( it is in french
I can send it to you) too difficult for me.

Today, is a very gloomy day! Rain, rain and more rain, 10 degrees less than these previous days!

Bandit does not even wants to get up. The horse is standing back to the wind and under the rain.The sheep’s are in their shelter.
I must have the lights on. What is the weather going to be in June??
Today, I am waiting for a parcel from the shop « Parfois »
I often go to this shop in Dubai . I have ordered a summer bag.

These geese are what I would like to do next. I think I will use fabric from a vintage sheet to make them.
I found these so cute! 
From this magazine.
I hope you’ll have sun today!

5 commentaires:

  1. The weather is sunny and the temperature is 28 degrees here. I hope the weather will be better where you live.
    Bandit is so cute!:)
    The geese will be nice. Have a good work with them.

  2. Enjoy your new project. I was going through my sewing room and realize that there are many project possibilities there already. I am determined to finish things and use up the supplies I have.

  3. The geese are adorable, especially wearing their rosettes! You will enjoy making those! Maybe the rain and chill will bring an extra-beautiful summer when it finally gets there. At least I hope so! You are kind to offer the magazine. Really, the magazines are even better than books, always more variety. It is a bit beyond me, too. I hope someday to be able to devote time to learning more needlework.

  4. We had a hot and sunny day today. Hopefully it'll warm up for you tomorrow.
    Those geese are so cute!!

  5. Bandit looks like he has the best idea of how to make the most of a dismal day :))


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....