samedi 19 juin 2021

The cat from Dubai.

 Hello Friends,

In a previous post, I told you about the cat my son rescued in Dubai. The cat which is girl whose name is Kitty stayed one week under an armchair is now sleeping on it!

She eats an begins to behave much better.

She is still scared sometimes and while my son and his wife watch TV she starts turning round the sofa for about 30 times!

Why they don’t know for the moment.

I am very glad she starts to strette.

I have been very busy this week, doing all the quotes and I found the firm to replace the boiler and also to change the front door and all the windows.

Today, we have lost 15C degrees and it’s raining a lot.

We wanted to go on the coast, but we decided to have a rest at home!

I wish you a nice weekend.

4 commentaires:

  1. She's a pretty little thing: we have one like her, a stray who is very nervous (she chokes up her food as anxious and scratches/bites if we come too close) but she is getting more gentle now and will sit near me and let me brush or stroke her - they take a long time to learn to trust again and it's so good to take a stray and give it a chance. Good luck with your Kitty.

  2. What a sweet cat. I'm glad she's getting more used to your son's home and new surroundings.

  3. The cat looks very happy there in her new home. I think its wonderful to give a home to a stray cat - we have two strays here & it took them a long time to settle but tell your son to persevere & she will settle down I am sure.

  4. May God richly bless your son for his kindness to one of His little and defenseless creatures!


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!